Our prescription-grade skincare is created to work with your skin. We know everyone’s skin is unique.

That’s why our solutions are not a one-size fits all. We design a personalized prescription solution tailored to your specific skin conditions.

Take your

Let’s learn more about your skin type, so our team of clinicians can design a scientific-proven regimen customized for your unique skin.

Our diagnostic test helps our team of dermatologists understand your unique skin type in order to find the best customised solution to maximize success and minimize acne scarring.

Before DoctorDerm

After DoctorDerm

Clinically-Proven Ingredients that
Work with Your Skin

Your personalized regimen will contain at least three to four of the following RX and compound ingredients.

We provide an sophisticated regimen with multiple treatments to target all of the underlying causes of your acne:


Tretinoin speeds up the lifecycle of skin cells, allowing cells to divide and die faster in order for newer, healthier cells to emerge.


Dapsone mitigates acne by slowing or stopping the growth of bacteria and decreases inflammation.

Azelaic acid

Azelaic acid is a skin-friendly dicarboxylic acid that can improve acne, rosacea, melasma, and a variety of other skin conditions.


Clindamycin, a topical antibiotic, reduces the number of harmful bacteria that cause acne.


A vitamin B derivative that helps minimize redness and improve tone and hyperpigmentation.


Targets rosacea by narrowing the blood vessels in the face and decreasing background redness. Also helpful in decreasing redness and scarring from prior acne.


A popular antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory that decreases the density of Demodex mites found in hair follicles of patients with acne and rosacea.

Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States, affecting up to 50 million Americans annually

  • 85%

    of teenagers experience acne at some point.

  • 50%

    of women in their 20s suffer from acne.

  • 33%

    of women in their 30s suffer from acne.

  • 25%

    of women in their 40s suffer from acne.