Based on your unique skin type, Clindamycin is one of the clinically-proven ingredients that can be included in your prescription regimen. Clindamycin, a topical antibiotic, reduces the number of harmful bacteria that cause acne.

Benefits for Your Skin

BENEFITS OF Clindamycin

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    Works to stop bacteria from multiplying and kills harmful cells directly
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    Reduces the symptoms and appearance of acne
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    Eases the pain and inflammation caused by acne
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    Prevents bacteria and sebum from clogging your pores
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    Shuts down the protein production that bacteria needs to multiply

Pro-Tips from Dr. Cheryl Bansal

Clindamycin inhibits bacterial protein synthesis, thus shutting off the mechanism for growth and propagation of the bacteria that causes acne. Without this bacteria, inflammation is reduced and acne bumps are healed, and over the long term, less acne appears."

Dr Cheryl Bansal, MD Board Certified Dermatologist

How Clindamycin Will Meet Your Skin Goals

The 4 Key Benefits of Clindamycin


Improves the appearance of inflamed acne

Clindamycin improves the skin’s inflammatory response to acne and infection. With Clindamycin, the skin is able to prevent damage from spreading to nearby skin cells.


Reduces swelling

In addition to fighting bacteria, clindamycin’s anti-inflammatory properties help reduce swelling from acne breakouts and help prevent more deep and painful pimples from forming. The appearance of inflamed acne is reduced.


Clears pores

As an antibacterial, Clindamycin is highly effective at preventing the growth of acne-causing bacteria in clogged pores.


Has minimal side effects

Studies indicate that topical clindamycin has no major side effects and is used on those with sensitive skin. If you are pregnant or are considering starting your fertility journey, clindamycin is recommended.
